Takamiyama Keiko Gumi

Takamiyama Keiko Gumi offers Ninjutsu/Ninpo classes in Toronto, Canada. View location, contact information, class schedule and more...

Canada » Ontario » Toronto » Takamiyama Keiko Gumi Takamiyama Keiko Gumi

Are you looking for authentic Budo/Ninpo training in the GTA? Then come join us, and experience training in a 900 year old Japanese art that is designed to develop the student on all levels. Established ninjutsu training group looking for dedicated students to become members. Group meets Sunday nights from 6-8 pm near Ossington station for our indoor class and Wednesday nights from 7-9 pm near Woodbine station for our outdoor class, as well as access to further training at several Ontario locations through our main branch and its shibu, (branch dojos), and keiko gumi, (training groups). Training includes; strikes, kicks, joint locks, throws, chokes, blocks, evasion, rolls, breakfalls, weapons training, meditation, silent movement, wilderness survival, first aid, and much, much more. For more information check out our facebook page, (Takamiyama Keiko Gumi page) or call 647-668-1456 or email [email protected]

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Fighting Arts Collective
927 Dupont St.
Toronto, ON-M6H 1Z1
Phone: 647-668-1456

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Martial Art Styles

The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Takamiyama Keiko Gumi:

  • Ninjutsu/Ninpo

Programs & Class Schedule

Minimum age to train 10 years old.
Come try it out, your first class if free!
Contract required (monthly payment of just $50) or drop in for $20 a class
Class schedule: Sundays 6-8 (Dupont location)
Wednesdays 7:30-9 (St. Clair/Oconnor location)

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