UK » Sudbury » Tensho Dojo Tensho Dojo
Inaugurated in 1989 Tensho Dojo, located at Sudbury Suffolk was the first training facility for Arakimuninsai Ryu Iaido and Shinden Shinsei Hayabuchi Ryu Kenshibudo to be established outside Japan. The four most senior members have all been to the Keitensha Hombu in Kobe Japan. Annual seminars and examinations are held under the tutelage of the 16th Soke Hajime Risho Hayabuchi.
New members/beginners welcome. Classes Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings
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Leisure Centre
Head Ln, Great Cornard
Sudbury, CO10 0JU
United Kingdom
Phone: 01787 374961
Martial Art Styles
The following Martial Arts Styles are offered at Tensho Dojo:
- Iaido
Programs & Class Schedule
Adult Classes:
Wednesday 7.30 pm to 10.00pm
Sunday 9.45am to 12.00am
Monthly fees but no contract
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